Complete lines for MARMALADES

Commonly the term “marmalade” refers to all water-, fruit- and usually sugar-based products made gelatinous during processing.

However, European Directives distinguish “marmalade” from “jam”:

  •  MARMALADE: is a product that contains one or more of the following products obtained solely from citrus fruits: pulp, juice, puree, aqueous extracts and peel
  • JAM: is a product that contains the pulp or puree of all other types of fruit

FMT is able to study, develop and create complete systems for PROCESSING and PACKAGING these products .

Horizontal evaporators for the concentration of the end product with particular attention to the quality of the end product and to the fruit. Piston Filler with high hygienic levels and special valves to ensure filling precision and high performance, Pasteurisation Tunnels are the main protagonists of our lines for these products.